Ulster Badminton is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for any person to be able to enjoy and participate in our sport. If you have a query or want to discuss a safeguarding or child protection issue (summary at bottom of page), please contact Ulster Badminton Child Protection Officer. Her details are: Beverley Ringland Tel:02892 / 638252 email- safeguarding@ulsterbadminton.com.
Badminton Ireland has produced a safeguarding policy and specific guidance for clubs, available here.
The links below will provide clubs, coaches and volunteers with more information for their work with young people. It you need further information or clarification on anything then please contact the Ulster Badminton office.
What clubs should do: To support clubs in implementing best practice Badminton Ireland have produced a number of pro-forma. Information can be found here
For further information or advice please contact the NSPCC:
Phone- 0808 8005000
E-mail help@nspcc.org.uk or the Child Protection in Sport Unit - pstephenson@nspcc.org.uk
Useful links for parents:
Help your child stay safe online with Share Aware– NSPCC campaign for parents of children aged 8-12 – will help to reassure you, and give you everything you need to keep your children safe. This is advice that will untangle the web, and show you how you can be just as great a parent online, as you are the rest of the time. The internet is a great place for children to be…..Being Share Aware makes it safer: Click here for further information:
The NSPCC launched an ‘Underwear Rule’ campaign to help parents protect their children from sexual abuse. Aimed at helping support parents have conversations with primary school age children about sexual abuse. The NSPCC has developed an easy-to-remember guide – Talk PANTS – that helps children understand the key points of the Rule which is available to view and download here.
Take your game to the next level
Footwork To Music, Vol 1’ DVD’s are now available to buy from Ulster Badminton
Check out our YouTube channel
YouTube is a great place to stay up to date with all of our videos.