• Announcements News

    16th Apr 2020

    COVID-19 - Funding Opportunity

    Sport Northern Ireland have launched a funding opportunity for NGB's  & Local Sports clubs within Northern Ireland. The Grant is to help with immediate financial commitments during the Covid-19 restrictions. These include costs on rent or lease costs, sports facility maintenance and utility bills.

    Successful applicants can receive up to £2000 for cost incurred during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

    Information can be downloaded below or follow this link to the Sport NI funding website page with further funding information and Guidelines - here 

    If you have any questions, in the first instance, please refer to the information and guidelines booklet found on the above link, if you cannot find the information you require then feel free to contact Ryan Prentice - ryanprentice@ulsterbadminton.com 

    Sport Northern Ireland have launched a funding opportunity for NGB's  & Local Sports clubs within Northern Ireland. The Grant is to help with immediate financial commitments during the Covid-19 restrictions. These include costs on rent or lease costs, sports facility maintenance and utility bills.

    Successful applicants can receive up to £2000 for cost incurred during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

    Information can be downloaded below or follow this link to the Sport NI funding website page with further funding information and Guidelines - here 

    If you have any questions, in the first instance, please refer to the information and guidelines booklet found on the above link, if you cannot find the information you require then feel free to contact Ryan Prentice - ryanprentice@ulsterbadminton.com 


    Sport NI- Sports Hardship Fund Information.docx


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